Are you sitting at the kids’ table?

Talk about going against the grain… For the last year-plus, the world has been obsessed with death. Last week, I told you that we’re going to make a deliberate break from the headlines and talk on Mondays, instead, about Life! You may have felt last week’s edition to be overly elementary, but – as I …

The Red Carpet doesn’t lead to the Pearly Gates

Life. Ballgames. Picnics. Beach parties. Movies. “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…” The “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” are running down; there’s not much time left to do nothing. What are you doing with the last of your off days? Hollywood rolls out some of their best stuff during summer; some of them catch …

22 Years Ago Tonight

August 3, 2015 Some days are more memorable than others. It’s been 22 years – today – but the effects of August 3, 1993 are still powerful, for me. I was in my second year as senior pastor at a large church with larger challenges. I was in my Sabbath month break – in the …

Running Toward Eternity

August 4, 2014 It’s probably not in your “to read” stack. The Journal of the American College of Cardiology isn’t a page-turner; if you’re not employed in the field, you’ve never heard its name. Featuring articles with headlines like, “Effect of Intensive Statin Therapy on Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: …