August 29, 2011 Dear Marketplace Friend, It’s pretty innocuous, really; in the right context, it’s even pretty good advice: “You can get anything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want,” (Zig Ziglar). When Zig says that, he has an underlying values filter that assumes …
Monthly Archives: August 2011
Moral Storm
August 22, 2011 Einstein is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. ATKINSON, IL: President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he will propose a plan in September to jump-start …
Market Coaster Stress Management Strategy
August 15, 2011 In the old days, at Disneyland, it wasn’t a one-price-at-the-gate experience. They charged for entry, and then sold you ticket books. A, B, C, D and E tickets were in a book to be traded for seats on the rides. The kid-friendly attractions were A’s and B’s; the thrill-a-minute good …
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Unrelenting? You bet!
August 8, 2011 Most people don’t reply. That opportunity is built-in, with e-mail… but most people don’t use it. They read… they consider… they conclude… but, they don’t reply. One did, recently. We’re friends, so it was amicable. I had sent an e-mail asking him to come to an introductory event …
Beyond the Temporary
August 1, 2011 Allow me to make a self-disclosure: I’m a pull-out packrat. Articles that catch my attention – in newspapers and magazines – are routinely ripped from the publication. I don’t have files; I have piles. They don’t congregate in an orderly alphabetized system; instead, they become my personal driftwood. …