Tomorrow is the Fourth of July… Luther’s original 95 Theses

It might be worth taking the day off to celebrate Martin Luther. Tuesday is a really big day. Say that to a culture obsessed with the macabre – with modern cult television series featuring zombies/walking dead/vampires/werewolves/witches – and attention shifts to Halloween. You can expect to find Costume Tuesday across the retail/commercial landscape this week, …

Culture – a heresy formerly known as “common sense”

Culture? The symptoms are undeniable, and call for radical treatment. If your doctor were to say that to you in his/her examining room, only a fool would challenge the diagnosis and charge the doctor with malpractice. The wise patient would seek a treatment prescription designed to conquer the conditions and to restore health. Two social …

What would you grab before you go?

It was just another crazy week… once I grabbed my travel bag. I boarded my flight in Orange County – my local airport – last Monday morning, headed to Minneapolis, through Dallas. Tuesday morning was an introductory briefing for the new cohort for The Master’s Program in the Twin Cities, and – beginning Tuesday evening …

The shooter’s motive was…

Motive. Why? The investigations in Las Vegas have moved past the what and how questions surrounding Stephen Craig Paddock’s attack on the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. It’s been seven days, but no manifesto or suicide note has emerged. Social media postings are – apparently – non-existent. A secret circle …

Horrific. Yet you have the Ultimate Solution.

Horrific. There are no words to describe the scene last night. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is a marketing offer; it has no enforceability this morning. What happened when Stephen Paddock – at this point, known only as an apartment manager in a retirement community in Mesquite, Nevada – unleashed hell on the …