Will your last words be famous?

Steve Jobs: “Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.” A direct quote from the famous Founder of Apple, but that wasn’t his marketing pitch for a new product launch at the annual MacWorld gathering. Steve’s last words; his wife was there to hear them. Reflections from some of history’s famous notables as they breathe their last: …

The road back is the road less traveled…

I left college before graduating. Cheri and I were in the countdown to our marriage date, and her father invited me to come into his 25-year business and apprentice under his leadership. I was going to school to snag a career, so the decision wasn’t difficult for me. I traded books for a briefcase… For …

The Article

The following article can be found at the following URL: https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/1987/july-10/resignation-gordon-macdonald-leaves-helm-of-intervarsity.html The Article: After serving more than two years as president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), Gordon MacDonald last month tendered his resignation. In a statement released to the press, IVCF Board Chairman James Kay said MacDonald resigned “for personal reasons, having been involved in …

How to guarantee you’ll be forgotten…

Say it ain’t so, Joe… It was 100 years ago this month – September 28, 1920 – that a Grand Jury was tasked with hearing testimony in what came to be known as the Black Sox Scandal. In brief: the 1919 World Series matched the Cincinnati Reds with the Chicago White Sox. The allegations emerged …