How earth’s losers become heaven’s winners

It’s amazing how many people believe in both natural and supernatural selection. We start our week with Supernatural Selection – at church – reminded that God has chosen us to be His followers, His children, His heirs, by His grace: that’s Supernatural Selection… Then, starting Monday morning, we shift from the Apostle Paul to Charles …

Guaranteed: How to live better, and longer (with honor)

Here’s one secret to ensure a longer (and better) life. That promise on a magazine cover promotes purchases; people read that research and archive that wisdom as a constant reminder of better choices. It’s not buried in some research paper presented to academics convening in Institutes of Intellegentsia; those life hacks are the stuff of …

There’s smart… and, there’s wise

Smart! He must be smarter than me; he’s the richest guy in the world. Jeff Bezos wasn’t always in that position. In fact, the early days of the New Millennium were really tough years for him. Between 1999 and 2002, he lost 85% of his net worth. From that “low point” – his paltry $1.5 …