Are you coasting, or accelerating?

Are you too distracted to be distinctive? If you’re reading this five-minute, beginning-of-the-week memo, you’re probably not one of the self-focused entitled crowd who are watching the Breaking News for the next announcement of debt forgiveness and extended unemployment benefits. That growing segment of the population may never grow up; what’s the point? In your …

Don’t miss the offramp ahead…

We’re spending too much time micro-managing right now… and missing the macro view. You’ve heard it before: “Life is a Journey.” That’s a pretty good word picture. Here’s the situation: on that journey, the progress can stop – though you’re still behind the wheel – if you get into a traffic circle and fail to …

Are you sitting at the kids’ table?

Talk about going against the grain… For the last year-plus, the world has been obsessed with death. Last week, I told you that we’re going to make a deliberate break from the headlines and talk on Mondays, instead, about Life! You may have felt last week’s edition to be overly elementary, but – as I …

So, what are you: dead or alive?

May Day! May Day! Be careful where – and, how – you announce that. Technically, it’s the tag given to May 1st – this year, last Saturday – but it has meaning that stretches beyond that. For Socialists and Communists – since 1889 – it has been their International Workers’ Day. In radio communications, it’s …