July 29, 2013 Texans call it “all hat, and no cattle.” It’s colorful; it’s descriptive, and it’s going on, constantly. You know it when you see it: someone claims to be something their performance does not confirm. Their rhetoric isn’t matched by their results; their claims fall short of their conduct; …
Monthly Archives: July 2013
When Winners Win
July 22, 2013 It’s great when a winner wins. Instant information – and international coverage – have made the news business predictable: find the greatest overnight disaster, and lead with that headline in the morning. Train station bombings, mob violence in a historic square, tornados with a path of destruction, a …
Let’s Go to Church
July 15, 2013 “And go to church next Sunday.” Ed McMahon spent years opening the Tonight Show with a dependable line: “Here’s Johnny!” That was the signal for Johnny Carson to emerge through the curtain and start his nightly monolog. For decades, Billy Graham’s Crusades were the most likely …
Summer Escape
July 8, 2013 It doesn’t take long to get back to normal. Cleaning up after Christmas takes much longer; the hours spent decorating the house – inside, and out – is just the down payment on the time it will take to roll it all up and get it back in …
Redefining beyond the business
July 1, 2013 Happy Birthday. Don’t light the candles; it’s too hot, and it wouldn’t be safe… We set our shared birthday at July 4th, 1776. The Continental Congress – meeting in Philadelphia – ratified the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, setting in motion the Revolutionary War and 237 years …