Something’s Gotta Change

August 29, 2016 “The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foothold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism.” (Albert Camus) Albert Camus was a French philosopher – he won the Nobel prize for literature in …

Living the Dream

August 22, 2016 It’s 2016; do you know who’s next door? It’s been 20 years since Tom Stanley and Bill Danko co-authored their signature book, The Millionaire Next Door (Longstreet Press). Using sound research, they countered the Thurston Howell III illusion (the rich guy on Gilligan’s Island) with the reality of rich people in America, …

Are you here to watch… or, to win?

August 15, 2016 Don’t bother me right now; somebody’s about to win the gold. Summertime productivity is always tough, but the quadrennial years are beyond reason: presidential mud-wrestling (the campaign) and worldwide competition (the Olympics) make it hard to focus on anything else on today’s schedule. Over 10,000 athletes are in Rio right now, from …

Which is it: Loser, or Leader?

August 8, 2016 Here’s the new approach to increase your business: offer the “no commitment” option. No-Commitment Workout: “Worried about sinking your workout time and money in a gym? Think about these stand-alone classes as a fitness tasting menu.” (Weight Watchers) No-Commitment Pricing: “You may purchase a new phone without a contract at the no-commitment …

No Cross, No Conflict

August 1, 2016 This means war. ISIS is a technologically-savvy iteration of a movement that is anything but clandestine. They publish an online magazine – Dabiq – that targets the world with an insider view of their ultimate objectives and current strategies. They’re reaching a worldwide audience of disenfranchised people with a compelling call to …