Be careful with your after-Christmas sails

As you wrap-up 2017 and point your bow into 2018, which way is the wind blowing? What a year. A contested election; storms, floods and fires from coast-to-coast; a stock market climbing to historic highs; leaders in every sector toppled by revelations of past indiscretions; consumer confidence is “up,” while unemployment is “down;” a tax …

Is it a Wonderful Life? You decide.

This month, millions of wonderful people will watch George Bailey – alone, on the bridge – as he looks back and wonders if his decision about his life’s direction was wrong and not wonderful. He’s only 38, but he’s given the best years of his life to the people of Bedford Falls as he operated …

You’ve been appointed – chosen – have you heard?

Chosen… for a purpose. Great things are usually the result of important things done – over a long period of time – that mature into magnificence. Three years of day-after-day work in the neighborhoods of Judea and the rural areas of Galilee had led to a Passover Feast in a borrowed banquet hall in Jerusalem. …

If you’re looking for hope at the Convention, it’s been canceled

If you were planning to head down-under for the Convention, it’s off. From the Atheist Foundation of Australia website: “We regret to advise that the 2018 Global Atheist Convention, Reason to Hope, has been cancelled. If you are a ticket holder, you are entitled to a refund (including fees) and we will be in touch …