On Friday, I broke away from the spell-binding coverage of the Impeachment to join dozens of men who had come from around the country to spend the weekend in the Wild Adventure Reunion. Their initiation to the WA fraternity happened in Montana, when a dozen men – over the course of nearly a week – …
Monthly Archives: January 2020
Without a Dream, you’re wasting your time
Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated 52 years ago, at age 39. The impact of his life is undisputed. Few presidents warrant national holidays; one King scored that distinction 18 years after his death. Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays were merged into one day’s observance; King is the only person in the American era whose birthday …
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Have you forgotten something?
“It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep,” (Robert T. Kiyosaki). His brand is “Rich Dad; Poor Dad.” As Dave Ramsey rose to the top of the personal financial training roster, Kiyosaki was circulating in the same arena with some frequent cross-overs of common sense good advice for people who …
Where can I find my Friends?
Friends: “I’ll be there for you!” Yeah, right. Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey: where did you go? We’ve known where to find you: in SitCom World, you’ve been at Central Perk; in the Real World of on-demand television, you’ve been on Netflix. Now that we’re in the ‘20s, you’re still locked-in-time in your West …