Ready and Willing?

October 27, 2014 Are you willing to be persecuted for following Jesus? Are you willing to die? Think about the approach we take to sharing the Christian faith in America, in the 21st Century. Presenting the claims of the Gospel to people who were born into American culture – who measure their quality of life …

Season of Stewardship

October 20, 2014 Follow the Money. The quote comes from the script of the movie, All the President’s Men; it came from a conversation between Bob Woodward – the investigative reporter from the Washington Post who, with his writing partner Carl Bernstein, broke the story on Watergate – and Deep Throat, the alias used by …


October 13, 2014 Q: “So, what do you do?” A: “I’m a temp…” There’s an answer that strikes fear at the core of the career minded modern human. Descriptions that demand more letters to spell offer little relief: contractual, seasonal, consultant, casual staff, freelance do little to ameliorate the trauma. Government statistics from last month …

Increase Deployment

October 6, 2014 “So, what do you do?” If you don’t have a quick answer to the standard-issue opening line at the First Encounter, no one will know how to frame a follow-up question, and the conversation will be DOA. No credible sociological data is available for prior generations, but you don’t need a Gallup …