October 31, 2016 Who’s got time for dead people? For various cultures around the world, tomorrow is a holiday. Driven by church traditions – often consolidated with pagan practices – a commemoration was planted on the calendar to focus on the dead. The 1st of November became All Saints Day – or, in the Mexican …
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Leaders don’t wait to lead
October 24, 2016 Don’t miss the moment. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt coined the term “the first 100 days” to describe the efforts of the 73rd Congress – at that time, his legislative parallel branch – but the concept leaked across to measure his executive administration, recognizing the potency of performance by a President/CEO at …
You know what; do you know why?
October 17, 2016 Lots of people know; only a few know why. Every generation has been defined by discovery… but our generation has pushed the pursuit to levels never before imagined. In 1965, Gordon Moore – co-founder of both Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel – predicted that the capacity of the microchip would double every two …
Maybe it’s time to pray
October 10, 2016 My Monday readers are a diverse bunch. Most are Americans, but not all. Adults, but with differing generational affiliations. Boomers; Busters; Millennials: we each bring nuances from our particular seasonal tribe into this conversation… Most never saw the name “Ronald Reagan” on a ballot; many were under-aged when he won his bid …
Is there Victory in the Verbiage?
October 3, 2016 Heard any great speeches lately? It happens every four years: the Olympics and the Presidential are quadrennial. The Games have a variety of settings and skills, but The Campaign has only one model: it’s all-about-the-mouth. The gold medal in persuasive rhetoric will go home with someone on November 8th this year. Speak …