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Dear Marketplace Friend, “I know you; who are you? What’s your name?” I was standing at Gate C-2 at DFW Airport last week, waiting to board my flight home. The man who walked up to me posed that question, and I answered him. His reply: “That’s it! I read your newsletter every Monday; every word!” …

Independent of the Dow

September 22, 2014 You’re Rich; why don’t you act like it? This just out, from the Federal Reserve: the net worth of U.S. households hits an all-time high. The value of homes, stocks and other assets – minus debts and other liabilities – has climbed to $81.5 trillion; it’s never been higher. Don’t schedule the …

Who’s your daddy?

September 2, 2014 “Who’s your daddy?” It’s slang, but it’s telling: no one starts as a first-generation anything. We all come from somewhere; we’re all marked by someone along the way, for better or for worse. I was recently asked to write a tribute to Dr. Howard Hendricks (“Prof”), one of the handful of mentors …