Dear Marketplace Friend, “I know you; who are you? What’s your name?” I was standing at Gate C-2 at DFW Airport last week, waiting to board my flight home. The man who walked up to me posed that question, and I answered him. His reply: “That’s it! I read your newsletter every Monday; every word!” …
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Independent of the Dow
September 22, 2014 You’re Rich; why don’t you act like it? This just out, from the Federal Reserve: the net worth of U.S. households hits an all-time high. The value of homes, stocks and other assets – minus debts and other liabilities – has climbed to $81.5 trillion; it’s never been higher. Don’t schedule the …
Four Kingdom Laws
September 15, 2014 “At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, ‘I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that …
Good News
September 8, 2014 “First, the doctor told me the good news: I was going to have a disease named after me.” (Steve Martin). I took a break from the unrelenting news cycle over the weekend to get a couple of runs in with one of my mileage buddies. He posed an intriguing thought: why aren’t …
Who’s your daddy?
September 2, 2014 “Who’s your daddy?” It’s slang, but it’s telling: no one starts as a first-generation anything. We all come from somewhere; we’re all marked by someone along the way, for better or for worse. I was recently asked to write a tribute to Dr. Howard Hendricks (“Prof”), one of the handful of mentors …