Memorial Day – The War with No Conscientious Objectors

Memorial Day. Often confused with Veterans Day, Memorial Day honors the men and women who died while serving as members of America’s military forces; Veterans Day honors the service of the living. One of the newest – and most striking – tributes to the fallen is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the National Mall, in …

Your subpoena to testify has been served

May 22, 2017 What will you do if you’re called to testify by subpoena? That’s a question that you probably don’t have to ponder, but if you worked anywhere near the last election, and operate “inside the Beltway,” it’s something you might have to answer. There’s a Special Counsel in town, and he’s going to …

Things are not always as they seem

May 15, 2017 Hacked! I’m a well-connected guy (apparently). I only have 1685 “friends” onFacebook (I have a FB page, but it’s my social media version of a timeshare: I pay the annual dues, but I never visit). LinkedIn is higher in my SM world: over 5300 “connections,” but I’m a LI deadbeat (I build …

Why not go it alone?

Revolution, or Independence? The answer to that question depends on who’s asking. Ask a Brit about the conflict that spanned eight years – from 1775 to 1783 – and they’d say revolution. Ask an American, and they’re more likely to see it through the lens of independence.  Are we in a similar period? Launched as …

On your horizon: regrets, or riches

May 1, 2017 This message was written on a Mac by Apple. I don’t know where you are today, but I hope you’re not inside the infamous “Beltway,” hard at work on the national legislative agenda. A tax overhaul has been announced by the new administration that eliminates some categories and lowers rates in others. …