Church, is it a free-for-all, or is it free, for all? Last Thursday, everybody had to swallow more than turkey and dressing. In a year that has been politically-charged on every level – even moment – it’s likely that an extended family gathering included people whose views about the chaos in the culture and the …
Monthly Archives: November 2020
What kind of “different” are you?
What’s different? And, does it matter? Decades ago, Dr. Bill Bright – the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ – compressed the essence of the Gospel into a pocket-sized pamphlet called the Four Spiritual Laws. It wasn’t wordy, but it was sufficient: everything necessary to embrace saving faith was there. Millions trace their conversion to …
Never use this four-letter word with God
What do you have to say for yourself? For the last few weeks, we’ve spent these moments on Monday eavesdropping on the Apostle Paul’s intimate communiqués to people for whom he cared deeply. His letters always addressed crucial issues regarding their faith: both foundational truths and the practical implication. The Christian believers in Colossae – …
I know what you’re thinking…
It’s time for some brainwashing. We’ve all got some crud on our keyboards; the crap in our craniums has accumulated over the unrelenting months of Covid and Campaigning. I’ll confess on behalf of both of us – you, and me – and call it straight: our minds have been sucked into septic swirls that have …
The fight doesn’t end tomorrow…
Gear Up! For football players, that’s the summons into the locker room, to don pads and helmets. For firemen, it’s the 911 call to get into protective gear, ready to run into the flames. For a SWAT team, bullet-proof vests and shields come out of the truck and into the array. The opposition is at …