March 30, 2015 Betrayed. You can’t find a story worth telling – or, hearing – that isn’t seasoned by betrayal. Sleep comes quickly if your bedside book tells only happy tales of people whose sublime pursuits are never opposed by someone they once loved and trusted. Every captivating plot weaves a similar tapestry: someone with …
Monthly Archives: March 2015
First of the Catch
March 23, 2015 Only 22 days ‘til the Ides of April. Are you ready? The big question, for many: file, or extension? The longer you live – and, the more complicated your financial affairs – the task of preparing for April 15th becomes more ponderous. No one is excused from the turmoil: whether you prepare …
10 years ago
March 16, 2015 Where were you… 10 years ago, today? Back then, I was filling two roles: about 60% of my time was devoted to serving and expanding The Master’s Program, across America. With the other 40%, I served as the Program Director for Franklin Graham’s evangelistic events around the world, under the auspices of …
March 9, 2015 Orphan. The word strikes emotional chords. UNICEF says that there are 153 million orphans in the world; the designation applies to a child who has lost one or both parents. Only 10% have lost both parents; of those, only 5% are under five years old. In the country of South Africa, the …
Making History Together
March 2, 2015 The world changed on January 9, 2007. Steve Jobs used the platform at Macworld in San Francisco to make this pronouncement: “We’re going to make some history together today.” Before he finished, he unveiled the first iPhone. Deliveries began on June 29th. Today, 600 million iPhones – in eight different generations – …