May 31, 2011 Dear Marketplace Friend, Memorial: something set up to remind people of a person or an event. Memorial Day may be a convenient start-of-summer holiday, but its purpose is clear: it is a day set-aside to remember the men and women who gave their lives in defense of our national freedom. …
Monthly Archives: May 2011
15 Minutes of Fame
Dear Marketplace Friend, I’m sure he meant well. Harold Camping is an elderly gentleman who has built a media platform – dozens of stations, under the banner, “Family Radio” – which has allowed his voice to be heard, by lots of folks. His early work was civil engineering; he had …
Honoring a Choice
May 16, 2011 Dear Marketplace Friend, Great quotes are memorable synopses of something far larger in scope and substance. I saw the picture of a tombstone recently that said it all:”I Have Nothing Further to Say". If anyone is going to mark the location of my remains someday, I would love …
Become Better at Being
May 9, 2011 Dear Marketplace Friend, Let’s hear another sustained applause for the moms who enrich our lives! Yesterday was tremendous… but a token, nonetheless. Some mothers devote themselves almost exclusively to the role, making maternal duty their day-in, day-out assignment. Others carry a full load in the career arena, but place the …
A picture of Osama
May 2, 2011 Dear Marketplace Friend, It took almost 10 years; the hunt has been relentless. It consumed the bulk of the Bush presidency, and it was the legacy handed to the current president: the international hunt for Osama bin Laden is the initiative that has, in part, defined American foreign relations and …