Trouble: if you’re a leader, you can expect it…

The morning newspaper used to be a ritual for many/most people (especially leaders): spend a few minutes getting up-to-speed about what happened in the prior 24 hours – while they were focused on their own domain of engagement – and, then, get back in the game. News, weather and sports… The paper-at-the-door is so old …

What’s your rate?

Did you rate a team in the preseason?  The wait is over: it’s New England and Philadelphia. The dream-above-all-dreams in Minneapolis became a nightmare yesterday, when the Vikings left the Eagles’ home field in defeat. The Pro Bowl in Orlando will be next week’s fix for the pigskin addicts who are gearing-up for Super Bowl …

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Will your birthday ever be a holiday?

Would you like your own holiday like Martin Luther King, Jr? It’s simple: start a significant Movement… and, then, be willing to die for it. Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, recognizing his birth on January 15, 1929. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the unelected yet undisputed leader of the Civil Rights Movement in …

It isn’t over until it’s over – and it’s not over yet, especially for Early Adopters

Late to the party? You might as well stay home; you’ve probably missed the good stuff… It’s not likely that you’ve read the book – Diffusion of Innovations – but you’ve probably heard the concept, and used some of its verbiage. Everett Rogers – professor (emeritus) at the University of New Mexico wrote the book …