Dealing with the deluge…rainfall

“On that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights…” (Genesis 7:11-12) That’s the way it feels today in south Texas. Folks in/around Houston are dealing with epic weather conditions. Records abound: rivers cresting …

Racing to Darkness; It’s No Metaphor for the Eclipse

This is the day we’ve all been waiting for…an eclipse. If your workforce punches a clock – with the assurance that they’re being productive while they’re on-the-job – this may turn out to be a low impact day for you. Wherever you are (if you’re reading this within the continental United States), TES (Total Eclipse …

The Red Carpet doesn’t lead to the Pearly Gates

Life. Ballgames. Picnics. Beach parties. Movies. “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…” The “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” are running down; there’s not much time left to do nothing. What are you doing with the last of your off days? Hollywood rolls out some of their best stuff during summer; some of them catch …

Succession Plan…What’s next, for you?

Could someone say, “succession plan?” Put yourself in his place. You’ve grown up in the family business, and everyone has known – for years – that you would someday take the lead at succession. Your father – a nice guy – announces his retirement, in public (so there’s no turning back). He’s 96… Finally, the …