Are you COEXIST-ing, in the modern neighborhood?

COEXIST. In the modern neighborhood, there’s no better way to declare one’s trendy tolerance than to put that sticker on your bumper. Toss out your notes from your old days in Sunday School; theology for the 21st Century requires a new primer to operate the culture’s newest upgrade on your spirituality platform… COEXIST is the …

These guys (and our Father) are anything but optional…

Before the dust settles from yesterday’s emphasis of Father’s Day, let me offer my endorsement of fatherhood – and the men who have stepped-up to the challenge – as essential to the relational integrity of society. From families to churches to communities to nations, men play a critical role in bringing people together in mutually-beneficial …

The Reality Program we’re forced to watch…

The race has begun; it will end in 512 days… and then start up again. I’ve lived through 16 presidential election cycles, and that experience does not energize me regarding the next 17 months. Cursed with digital devices programmed to deliver “Breaking News” with no legitimacy filter, anything having to do with the two dozen …

Fools are Fearless; the Wise are Afraid

No: Be afraid. Be very afraid. The line has become nearly ubiquitous; its modern origin is the 1986 horror flick, The Fly. Jeff Goldblum is the quirky scientist; Geena Davis is the reporter working to expose his teleportation work. As Goldblum’s lab goof sends him into species transfer, he tries to reassure the reporter: “Don’t …