May 28, 2012 Chances are, you’re not in your office today; rather, you’re participating in some activities in recognition of Memorial Day. Its origins trace back to the end of the Civil War, when the fallen were honored. Though focused on those who died, veterans and active duty are often applauded in church …
Monthly Archives: May 2012
It All Depends
May 21, 2012 It all depends. I said, “depends,” not, “Depends.” That’s because “depends” means, “to be contingent; to be affected or decided by other factors.” If I had said, “Depends,” that would have referred to a brand of disposable adult diapers, which is a product with a …
Put that down!
May 14, 2012 Put that down! If you’re reading this Point of View on your SmartPhone, while driving, you should wait until you’ve come to a complete stop. Any use of any remote device while driving has just raised your odds of calamity by a 4x factor. You may be willing …
Star Wars (the first of the six)
May 7, 2012 Help! Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to convey my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm …