Moses might be waiting for your advice…

April 25, 2016 “I never would have thought of that…” Moses was the Great Leader who led the Jews out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea, brought the crowd – 2 million strong – into the wilderness… and found him mired in management. He was spending his days – all day – as the arbiter …

Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On

April 18, 2015 It was a wake-up call, at 5:12a… On April 18th, 1906 – 110 years ago this morning – the 400,000 residents of San Francisco had another hour before sun-up, but their dark world got darker as the earth shook for over a minute. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake – and the fires that …

The Last can Still be First

April 11, 2016 Meanwhile, Saul… God is a great storyteller. The Gospels – four independent voices, writing biographies of Jesus – got the ball rolling in the New Testament with their accounts of our Founder. The Acts of the Apostles (“Acts”) pick up the story at Jesus’ ascension and give us Chapter One of the …

What will they find at your house?

April 4, 2016 “How much did he leave?” He left it all… It’s an old quip; no one claims it as original (including me). It’s the one-liner that captures a fact that is replayed, over and over in real-time: some of life’s metrics cease to hold meaning at death; there are other metrics which have …