What’s Your “Bottom Line?”

What’s the Bottom Line? One on-line dictionary – devoted to the idioms of American English – defines “Bottom Line:” the most important aspect of something. All apostles/prophets/evangelists/pastors/teachers (Ephesians 4:11) have important messages for people whose spiritual development are in-process. Their sermons might be given without an archival capture, but in this era, many are recorded …

Don’t be an innocent target…

It’s the toughest request you’ll ever receive. A dear friend and collaborator of mine passed from gory to Glory on Saturday. Gordie had been on our ministry’s Board of Directors for decades; he was a trusted partner and had earned widespread respect from all who knew and worked with him. When Covid’s craziness wanes, the …

Your job, after the election

Politics is – along with religion – a taboo subject in social settings. Despite that timeless ground rule, you can’t find a dinner table in October ’20 where the conversation hasn’t turned to the election – or, protests, or societal issues that are woven into presidential platforms – with passion. There’s a man whose wisdom …

What do you have worth dying for?

When was the last time you dealt with your mortality? Every person – from the most marginalized homeless person camped on a sidewalk in a modern, declining urban neighborhood to the POTUS who is whisked from the White House Lawn to the VIP Suite at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center – will likely find …