February 25, 2013 I missed the Oscars. My flight from Orange County to Chicago overlaid the whole extravaganza – from the red carpet to awarding of the last statuette. I confess to being a cultural curmudgeon when it comes to watching Hollywood stand in a circle and applaud themselves, while the world stands …
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Desiring to Advance
February 18, 2013 Don’t look now, but your friends might be on the move. They might not be as famous as Eduardo Saverin, but their plans may be shaping up to follow his lead. Saverin made the headlines a few months ago, in the midst of the flurry of …
A Day Celebrating Love
February 11, 2013 They don’t know what they’re talking about. If you could quantify the use of the word love in advertising this week, your meter would red-line by Thursday. Valentine’s Day is the next retail surge, picking up the pace at the cash register after the post-Christmas sales tsunami. …
Upon Whose Shoulders
February 4, 2013 Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes. If your Latin is a little impaired, that’s “dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.” It was originally attributed to Bernard of Chartres in the 12th Century, but it was quoted by Isaac Newton in a letter, and has been often used in metaphor …