March 25, 2013 This thing is going to hell in a handbasket. No one knows who first used that “alliterative locution” (thanks Wikipedia) to describe a situation headed for disaster or without effort or in great haste. Sometimes, you can see a train wreck coming (think: Sequester). Other times, …
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Ability and Availability
March 18, 2013 "God doesn’t want your ability; He wants your availability." You’ve heard that before, haven’t you? Most contemporary Christians would probably fall for the straight-faced suggestion that somewhere in Solomon’s Proverbs – or, in Paul’s Epistles – that phrase is found. And they would be… wrong. Not …
March 11, 2013 There’s an intriguing relationship between risk and life; they rise and fall, together. Most people live with the desire to reduce their risk experience. That seems rational… until you find out the price of risk avoidance: you cannot have rewards unless you accept the risks. There …
Top Ten iPhone Apps
March 4, 2013 So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Every generation has answered the question based on very sketchy data. My claim: little boys (my personal experience pool) have stayed pretty consistent: policeman, fireman or athlete. The available options aren’t very apparent when you’re under-10; the …