We already know the winner…

January 30, 2017 I don’t know what your plans are for next weekend, but you’d better get to the grocery store if you need any of the essentials. Avocados, six packs of your favorite whatever, chips of every nature and type – you know, the basic food groups – will be wiped-out by Saturday. Anything …

Friday is big; here’s something bigger

January 23, 2017 If your office was “open” last Friday, it’s likely that the productivity meter was barely registering. For hundreds of thousands of people, they were “live” in Washington; for others, they were there – virtually – on a variety of digital devices. Others were loading their protest magazines with antagonist ammunition, getting geared-up …

That’s My King

Shadrach Meshach Lockridge (March 7, 1913 – April 4, 2000) was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent congregation in San Diego, California, from 1953 to 1993. He was known for his preaching across the United States and around the world. He held doctorates and numerous honorary degrees, and was often sought as a …

Chasing Dollars, or Dreams?

January 16, 2017 “I have a dream…” He wasn’t the first to say those words, but they are forever attached to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today is his 89th Birthday. His dream outlived him; that’s not unusual, for leaders. A bullet ended his earthly life at 39, but the bullet-points of his dream are …

What would “rich” look like, for you?

January 9, 2017 Is this the year to get rich… or, to live richly? The markets have caught some tailwind as ’16 ended and ’17 began; anticipation seems to be running high. If this is a season for economic achievement, what will it mean, to you? You might not have your plans clarified the way …

Crazy Is as Crazy Does

January 2, 2017 Will 2017 be another crazy year? Albert Einstein is commonly given credit for the quip: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Whoever said it, it rings true: if you approach 2017 the way you just finished 2016, don’t expect any positive improvements. The Great Unwashed …