September 24, 2012 “Say it ain’t so, Joe!” The line came into our cultural history 92 years ago this week. “Shoeless Joe” Jackson was a left-fielder with the Chicago White Sox who played in the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. After the series, charges were made that …
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Two Pictures
September 17, 2012 All election, all the time. Welcome to the next 50 days of American reality. The “big choice” will be ours on November 6th: who’s going to get us out of this economic ditch we ran into 20 quarters ago, when we had that fast-lane tire failure, and cut …
Vote Your Values
September 10, 2012 I’ve been writing this weekly piece – column? blog? commentary? what is it?? – for over 20 years. During that time, I’ve written through at least five presidential election cycles. I have watched the quadrennial combat like any interested and participative citizen, but have consciously avoided turning my writing attention …
Contending with the Messiah
September 3, 2012 The Messiah is dead. It makes a catchy headline, doesn’t it? Slipped in between the party patter – the aftermath from the Republican rally in Tampa, and the build-up for the Democratic shindig in Charlotte – is the news from Korea: Sun Myung Moon died at St. Mary’s …