April 29, 2013 You're not putting enough away for tomorrow. While our leaders in Washington are trying to get the air traffic controllers back in the towers and the airline flights back in the air, the long term issues go begging. Debt? Not to worry. The President, to George …
Monthly Archives: April 2013
It’s really His
April 22, 2013 It’s a tough time to be rich in America. Radical Islamic Terrorists (RIT) get softer treatment – in political circles, and in the national press – than those treacherous Rich People (RP). RITs can always point back at the Crusades (11th-13th Centuries) as justification for their actions. RPs …
Tax Day
April 15, 2013 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). That line, from the King James Version of the Bible, was published in 1611. James – son of Mary, Queen of Scots – started his reign as James VI, …
The Other Side of Death
April 8, 2013 "I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear." – Roger Ebert, Life Itself. “Roger Ebert was explicit about his lack of religious commitment. In his 2011 memoir Life Itself, he comes clean: …
Place your bets
April 1, 2013 It’s time to place your bets. I don’t spend any time at race tracks, but there’s a moment when the speculation and conversation are past, and the serious gambler has to step up to the window and declare the winner… before the race begins. Last Sunday, …