November 28, 2011 Can you feel it? The trajectory of the cultural flow has made the full-on, year-end shift. We’ve passed the Thanksgiving marker; we’re now headed for Christmas. In an economic climate dependent on the recovery of consumer confidence and spending, retail sales will tell the tale of recovery… But, …
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
November 21, 2011 Lots to do this week. At the office, you’ve got to pull a rabbit out of the hat: it’s the holiday magic, to get a week’s worth of work done in three days, so you can leave Wednesday for the “long weekend.” At home, you’ve got to make room for …
The Annual Window of Opportunity
November 14, 2011 It’s almost a religious appeal; the only clue that it is not is the fact that they’re buying full-page color ads in major newspapers, nationally (religious movements cannot write that kind of check). Expect to see it prominently positioned, in a periodical near you… The scene is festive; …
When do you want your payback?
November 7, 2011 Happy Veterans Day! If you served our country in the military, thank you for what you did. We are sustained and served as a country by patriots like you and your colleagues who set-aside your personal benefit to make yourself vulnerable to harm on our behalf. You’re a Champion; we …