Be a Fool or Don’t be a Fool

Saturday is my day. Shall I be a fool on Saturday, April 1st? Of all of the calendar stake-outs we accept – birthdays of presidents and sophisticates, religious milestones and moments, patriotic remembrances about battles and warriors – there is no passionate tie to the nameless oaf we’ll mention this weekend, with unhidden scorn. Happy …

Don’t move to Norway until you go to Brooklyn

Today’s your day, especially if you are near Brooklyn. It may not be on your calendar, but it’s on the Big One. Today – March 20, 2017, is World Happiness Day. Created by the United Nations, this is the sixth annual presentation of their World Happiness Report. How would one go about researching such a …

Are you a casualty of the Space Program?

March 13, 2017 We’re suffering the effects of the original Space Program. In May of 1961, President John F. Kennedy delivered a request to Congress for $9 billion over five years for one of what he called urgent national needs: the goal of putting a man on the moon – and bringing him back safely …

Pry the baton from our cold dead hands…

March 6, 2017 Jesus was a Millennial. William Strauss and Neil Howe took sociocultural anthropology to the broad market with their first/signature book together, Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069. From political campaigns to marketing initiatives, their description of four recurring generational types – and the likelihood of predictable mass behavior in …