July 27, 2015 Don’t bother me right now. I’m getting ready for my meeting… Tomorrow morning, I’ll be with George Andrews. It’s my quarterly sit-down to get my tune-up. I’m accountable for what I’ve done the last few months, and I need some counsel about the road ahead. George is the Managing Director for Ronald …
Monthly Archives: July 2015
What Makes a Leader
July 20, 2015 It’s where folks go with questions these days; ask Google “What makes a leader a leader?” The results come back quickly… with 910,000,000 listings (that’s 910 million). It seems like the question is prone to produce a contested answer. The query also generates more uncertainty. Are leaders made, or are they born? …
The Apprentice
July 13, 2015 “You’re Fired!” Certain lines move from generic to become trademarks for celebrities. What Donald Trump made famous in his regular installments of The Apprentice ricocheted back at him last week. NBC signed-off with The Donald over his inciteful observations about immigration during his speech, announcing his run for president. Trump knew that …
July 6, 2015 “I’ll get back to you.” When’s the last time you heard that Grand Finale? You were feeling pretty good, because you just made your case better than ever before. Whether at the end of a first date, or after an appointment to present the opportunity found in your professional niche to a …