Saved by internet tech? Al Gore’s invention (“During my service in the United States Congress, I took initiative in creating the internet…”) has a checkered history. Internet Tech has become as ubiquitous as Starbucks in the world of 2019, but it’s gone from simply a tool, to a political one. Since the 90’s, Internet Tech …
Monthly Archives: October 2019
You can’t live (well) without it (hopeless)
We are a “hopeless” culture in the midst of an existential crisis, and it isn’t Global Warming. The markers surround us, yet none of the high-visibility voices with Twitter followings or new movie releases seem to be aware. In fact, the most prominent personalities in our society are both suffering from the underlying condition and …
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The next dollar writes your next chapter
What will you do…  with the next dollar? First, a distinction: people who read this weekly blog – people like you – usually are not from the lower socio-economic quartile… or, the second, or the third. “Upper Quartile” – today – means about $115,000 in household income, nationally. Folks in that economic neighborhood listen/think/speak/act differently …
Robin Hood was a thief, not a model giver
Giver: the ground rules have changed around us.. Not long ago, America was a land of order and opportunity. People who were born here were invited to prosper here; people who came here by choice were offered the chance to have most of the same promise, as long as they came in order, in search …
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