May 27, 2014 “A day to honor our ancestors.” There’s a church a mile away from my home that has a monument sign out-front that challenges my spiritual maturity, constantly. The message changes every week; each time I go by, I’m reminded that the designation “church” is very fluid and flexible. The pastor is very …
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Come join me at the Summit
May 27, 2014 Perhaps I’ve worn out my welcome. Over the last few weeks, I’ve sent you a number of invitations to join me at the Issachar Summit on June 4th – next Wednesday – in Costa Mesa. There are lots of amazing Christian events that you could attend; I know you are inundated with …
Closed-Minded Campuses
May 19, 2014 I’m getting my affairs in order; this may be my last Point of View. Condoleezza Rice had to cancel her flight to New Jersey when the outcry by the students at Rutgers made her commitment to speak at their commencement a bad idea. Christine Lagarde was coming to Smith College in Massachusetts for …
Climate Change
May 12, 2014 There are certain words/phrases/concepts best left to news pundits and political candidates. Polite conversation among friends disallows controversy and conflict; some things are just better left on the air, rather than in the air. Climate Change is one of society’s new four-letter words: drop the CC bomb in the wrong circles, and …
The Last of the Lost
May 5, 2014 It had been almost 30 years since Samuel found David – youngest of Jesse’s sons – in a sheep pasture, doing the family grunt work – and tapped him as God’s choice for King of Israel. David was not yet a teenager, but his destiny was already set. What followed was not …