December 26, 2011 Breathe deeply; cool your jets; calm yourself: it’s almost over. Whether yesterday was defined by tinsel or tension, the ribbons and wrapping are jammed in the recycle bin, the leftovers are in the fridge… and your attention can now turn to the after-agendas. It’s a standard reading among …
Monthly Archives: December 2011
Kim and Chris (and Christmas)
December 19, 2011 A big week ahead. Two notable deaths, and one notable birth; how do you handle those inevitabilities while trying to celebrate “the holidays?” Hold the presses for the obituary page. The world lost two icons within the space of days. Kim Jong II – the dictator/god of North …
Ending 2011
December 12, 2011 Not much left of 2011, is there? We’re both pushed – you and I – to make some pretty big things happen between now and the time the crowd cheers the end of ’11 and the start of ’12. Some of our to-do is personal – the paraphernalia …
Issachar Summit
December 5, 2011 America is a unique-in-history culture; that’s an indisputable reality. One of the distinctions of our niche in civilization is the imprint made on each generation by the prime-time television that serves as an electronic distraction while mom makes dinner. Our firstborn joined the household census in …