Ditch the NYR (New Year’s Resolutions) burden: there’s nothing there

I hope I’ve gotten to you in time. If you’re under the influence (of the culture), you are probably feeling some pressure to come up with your version of the annual to-do list to upstage all former to-do lists: we call ‘em the obligatory “New Year’s Resolutions (NYRs).” Babylonians made promises to their gods at …

Read this before Christmas dinner

Merry Christmas! One quick thought, and then you can get back to your Christmas focus. I want to remind you of an important grammar point that is most important against the backdrop of this holiday. Hope: it’s essential, for life. With it, you can tolerate and succeed against all opposition. Without it, you cannot continue …

It isn’t over; it’s never over

The End? Or, the Beginning? On Friday, President George H. W. Bush died. He was 94 years old; his lifespan exceeded that of every other man who has worn the title of President in the United States. From Saturday’s account in the New York Times:     His longtime friend and former secretary of state, …