October 29, 2012 Who’s responsible? Well, that kind of depends, doesn’t it? If you feel like you’re the victim – harmed by some situation that has a gaggle of human fingerprints all over it – your attorney will probably suggest an answer: everyone. Sue the whole bunch, and …
Monthly Archives: October 2012
God Preserve America
October 22, 2012 My Monday readers are a diverse bunch. Mostly Americans, but a growing number of “others.” Adults, but you (all) don’t share a generational affiliation. In fact, the demographic that is expanding quickly for us is the under-40 crowd. If you’re in that First Half contingent, you never saw …
Where is “the End”?
October 15, 2012 Begin with the end in mind. That's pretty sound advice. If you don't know where you're trying to go, how will you know the path to choose, today? Common sense, certainly… but it was Habit #2 in Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey …
Issachar Summit Houston
October 8, 2012 Ten years ago, we launched a new group for The Master’s Program in Dallas. One of my new friends in that group wasn’t a “local;” he had driven up from Houston (250 miles each way; 4 hours on I-45, if you obey the limits) to be there. Over …
Forbes’ List
October 1, 2012 Unexercised capabilities are utterly worthless… and uninvested assets are similarly meaningless. Don’t rush to Google to find a source on those two affronts; I’ll confess “guilty” to both charges. Those comments capture my core values; they are markers in the scope I look through each day …