November 26, 2012 Written any good books lately? That’s not the typical question; more likely, we ask, “Read any good books lately?” For most people, they would come up speechless on both queries; today, few read… and fewer write. Yet, in the gift-giving free-for-all that surrounds the …
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Sharing Faith
November 19, 2102 It sure felt good to be “normal” for a change. Many of my Sundays are spent on planes, not in pews. When not flying, I’m often speaking (so my pastor friends can fly!). Yesterday, I was just Bob, in my spot in the auditorium, in the proximity of friends and …
The Issachar 200
November 12, 2012 I thought it would never be over. We in America live on a four-year cycle, in national politics. Like so many other things in modern experience, the digital, always-connected reality means that constant has replaced occasional in our personal space. Romney ran in 2008… and kept running. Obama …
Vote Your Values
November 5, 2012 You got what you asked for… and, that's Good News. This is a huge week for you, for America, for the World… and, for the Kingdom. By this time next week, a decision will have been made, and a course will have been set. What many are …