What are the odds that your kids in college will reject your faith? This happens every year. For families, the summer break ends and “back to school/college” or becomes the critical transition point. Clothes, classroom supplies, shifts of routine and more become a demanding deadline. “First day of school” is on the calendar, and it …
Monthly Archives: August 2018
What are you building?
“What did you do on your summer vacation”? In a bygone era, that question was a predictable “pop quiz” for the first day of school. Designed to get the cobwebs out of the students’ cursive grips, it challenged kids to put 10 weeks into 300 words. Today is “back to school” day, for me; my …
Identity matters: Who are you?
Who are you? What is your identity? These days, that’s not an easy question to answer. Identity goes to the heart of life; it frames our status in every conversation and encounter that, together, formulate our days. Within the span of my lifetime, that question – and, its answer – has become far more complex. …
Nothing lasts… or, does it? Spent, or invested?
Where were you, yesterday? Was the time you spent – where you were, doing what you did – spent, or invested?Whatever your answers to #1 and #2, here’s a stopper: can you prove it? Normally, this weekly musing arrives with my mug shot embedded at the top. Today, I’ve led-off with the iPhone shot from …
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