Before you buy those Starbucks Cards…

November 30, 2015 Who’s on your list? What are you going to give them? Those are the questions most asked, for the next 24 days in modern culture. For 11 months, many people are driven by their hit list: they maintain an archive of names – people who have “done them wrong” (bad grammar; bad …

Can you play catch by yourself?

November 23, 2015 Some things can’t be done alone. No one ever imagined the ultimate Thanksgiving experience as a solo performance. TV dinners with turkey and potatoes – heated and served on a tray – set up in front of a high-definition flat-screen carrying cable series marathons never comes to mind as the iconic Norman …

Should we boycott “red” for Christmas?

November 16, 2015 If we had a public relations department, they’d be ballistic right now. There’s a two-year campaign underway to fill the Leader of the Free World position for four years, at a critical time in human history. A radical Islamic terror group is attacking Western Civilization at-will, and producing massive casualties. Christians around …

They risked their life for you. What would you do for them?

November 9, 2015 Wednesday is Veterans Day, 2015; it’s the day we honor the men and women who have served in our armed forces. Whom do you plan to honor? The Census Bureau is the best source of statistical information about the American populace; here’s their current inventory of the men and women who have …

Can You Fight with Your Hands Folded?

November 2, 2015 It’s been called “The Most Contested 37 Acres in the World.” We were there last week. Most know it as the Temple Mount; it sits within the Old City of Jerusalem. Site of Solomon’s Temple – built about 3000 years ago, but destroyed about 400 years later – it’s history is profound. …