October 31, 2011 “So, what are you going to do, tonight?” When we were kids, the question had more focus: “What are you going to be?” That was the shorthand way to ask what your costumed self was going to pretend to be, in the annual haunt/hunt for Halloween candy. No one was …
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Occupational Phase
October 24, 2011 It’s official: we’ll be leaving Iraq by the end of the year. The war that started with broad support on March 20, 2003 will be officially over. In that time, it has gone from supported to scorned… Wars usually have two distinct periods: an Expeditionary Phase, and an …
Eternal Optimism
October 17, 2011 Maybe it’s time to start a new victims support group. The acrostic would be difficult; no one would be comfortable admitting that they are members of BO. That’s “Billionaires Obvious.” When you’re a Forbes Lister (minimum net worth, today: $1 billion), you give up your anonymity, so “BA” …
The Man Beyond the Headlines
October 10, 2011 It doesn’t happen very often, but it sure did, this week. Since last Wednesday, I’ve received multiple e-mails asking the same question: “Is next week’s Point of View going to be about Steve Jobs?” My commitment to all-things-Apple is pretty well known. I didn’t get on the bus …
The Found Decade
October 3, 2011 You know about “assumptions,” don’t you? The dictionary renders an “assumption” to be “a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.” We live with assumptions. I got on the freeway this morning – at 5:05am – assuming that the people in the …