Is Easter fake news, or the real deal?

God is a myth; the universe exists apart from any supernatural force claiming credit for creation. Man is born, then dies… and his consciousness ends. Life is one big exercise in the chaos theory; no overriding code of justice has any jurisdiction or authority: you answer only to yourself. Trusting anyone or anything but yourself …

Will heart failure take you down?

It’s the acrostic mentioned most in PandemicLand; the CDC gets more headlines than AOC. The Centers for Disease Control is one of government’s principal bureaucracies tasked with making people in America live longer. Covid-19 is just the latest in trendy infectious goblins who come and go across the timeline of history. One of these days, …

You pick your solution: natural, or supernatural?

It’s a truism that I’d rather not test: swimming in shark-infested waters is not problematic… generally. The condition under which the idiom breaks down is clear: when there’s blood in the water, the shark behaves differently… Have you been out-and-about lately? For the last 12 months, we’ve all been asked to shelter-in-place and avoid human …

Are you one of America’s hostages?

Strange times; wouldn’t you agree? If operating in a sterile laboratory, highly-educated advocates for evolution’s core principles would suggest that, over time, physical bodies and social cultures would tend – through natural selection – to become better-and-better, alleviating the emotional toxin called fear from society. Given enough time, sophisticated and schooled people will figure out …

How are you doing where it really counts?

I hope you’re taking this personally… We live in a crowded world. In every generation, a few people stand-out, and the rest of us live wondering whose tracks we should be following into the dark fog of the future. As people who claim affiliation with the living Lord Jesus, His model remains superior to all …