January 27, 2014 My wife and kids have shoes. They got them from me… "The cobbler's children have no shoes" refers to the phenomena observed when people who are successful at doing something for others don't demonstrate that expertise in their own personal lives. Ten years ago next month, I had an unusual convergence of …
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Remembering Dr. King, Jr.
January 20, 2014 A day of remembrance, in a week of remembrance. I’m writing on the holiday set-aside to remind America about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose contribution to history was his leadership in the war against the idea of racism. Though he was only 39 when assassinated, he …
January 13, 2014 Who’s calling? Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was a scientist – and, a tinkerer – whose parents were both deaf. He’s most remembered for the telephone (patented in 1876), but he saw it as a source of uncontrolled intrusion and interruption on his scientific work, and refused to have one in his personal …
The Last Six Years
January 6, 2014 What’s new? It’s been a miserable six years, hasn’t it? Historians have attempted to name the storm that moved into place in December, 2007: Great Recession; Lesser Depression; Long Recession; take your pick. There’s no name to give to the last 72 months that will make it feel any better. The Economists …
The Mentor Conference
January 2, 2014 What are you becoming? I wrote to you on Monday – hours before the end of another year – and challenged you to assess your progress in 2013 on three fronts: believing, being and becoming. A year without movement on those issues means a year of possibility, now squandered. If your relationship …