This is your last chance… Being mortal humans – while part of the eternal Redeemed – carries with it some tendencies that are important to recognize and segregate. Some of them are positive, and warrant protection and preservation. There are also aspects of our human experience that deserve to be confronted and challenged. An example: …
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Where do you go for answers?
Are you a CEO? If asked in the context of your career, the answer is apparent: just look at your business card. An organizational chart somewhere will be an independent confirmation of your claim: Chief Executive Officer; every enterprise has one, and most of the players beneath her/him aspire to replace them… Ask that question …
If your heart’s not in it, neither will you be
Can this last? Mention the concept of sustainability in the 21st Century and most minds will turn immediately to issues surrounding the environment. Earth Day is next week; for the growing numbers who self-describe as “spiritual, not religious,” there’s a good chance that their posture toward Mother Nature will become worshipful as they join forces …
Continue reading “If your heart’s not in it, neither will you be”
Are you able to connect the dots?
He is Risen; He is Risen indeed! Now what? The build-up to the Main Event was just as real 1,991 years ago as it was last week. Big cheers on the Sunday before, lots of activity during the week, a Passover Seder on Thursday that was the apparent highlight of the whole holiday… then the …