Are you acting like a grown-up?

It’s tragic to hear about the passing of someone you love; here’s the pronouncement that amplifies the loss: “He/she died intestate.” You might be not be able to beat death – at least, the kind of death whose cause is not needless risk or undisciplined behavior – but you have absolute control over being intestate. …

What’s your next, big move?

We were supposed to be in Colorado last week… I’m giving this season an acrostic; it’s SOLO: Summer of Lost Opportunities. Two years ago, we calendared a commitment to be in Colorado Springs last week – with the team of The Jesus Film – helping to recruit another wave of resource partners to help their …

The Message from Maximum Security

It’s been four months, and there’s no end in sight. What’s the plan? If your Myers Briggs profile starts with “I” (introvert), the last 16 weeks might have felt like an unexpected energizing vacation. Released from unnecessary interaction with people, you could be free to read or binge to your heart’s content. Congratulations on your …

Is America on its death bed?

The patient is symptomatic; are they terminal, or can they recover? Sounds like another Covid-19 story, doesn’t it? Far from it, this is far more serious. Viruses come and go; pandemics are recurrent, and are part of life in a fallen world. This short treatise does not concern a malady that is treated in hospitals, …