Arthur Laffer Family Economics

February 24, 2014 “What was your secret?” Cheri and I live in close proximity to our kids. Some would say, “close knit family;” that’s probably a good description, both relationally and geographically. “Best of friends” captures the nature of our current experience. Both of our daughters are married to great guys, and – over a …

Happy Holidays

February 17, 2014 We said “Happy Holidays” in December. Did that include today? In our generation, a new service became a growth industry. Aggregators (aggregate: a whole formed by combining several disparate elements) don’t create things; they simply bring things created by others together. Their contribution is the energy found in unifying otherwise disconnected pieces. …


February 10, 2014 Drop the four-letter word when you’re talking to God. Communication is a powerful tool. Relationships depend on communication; if there is no conversation, there is no relationship. Experts tell us that non-verbal communication can be more powerful than words, but a dour look only goes so far. “If looks could kill…” may …

A Big Win

February 3, 2014 Nothing better than a Big Win. Come on: it’s been less than a day since the Big Game. Your mind is stuck in reverse; you hear “Big Win,” and you’re thinking “Yo, Seahawks! What a blow-out!” Some things are just timeless, and I don’t mean the annual NFL grand finale. I’m referring …