Don’t buy the tombstone yet…

April 24, 2017 Is truth dead? Time magazine sparked a cultural furor when – in April, 1966 – the cover posed the stark question, “Is God Dead?” The erosion of faith in America was the real story; God was not dead, but the relationship of Americans with him had been deeply eroded. It’s been 51 …

Just another Monday (after Easter)?

April 17, 2017 Easter. What a week! Imagine a dozen men – in the prime years of their adult lives – who had set their schedules and strategies aside under the powerful influence of a charismatic carpenter. With no backing or fanfare, he had come across their path and invited them to join him in …

Insiders only

April 10, 2017 Insiders: most people write checks/slide plastic/flash Apple Pay as consumers. Self-focused spenders want to “get what they paid for;” that’s the highest level of evaluation for the money they release from their grip. Not you: you’ve graduated from the spending-only demographic, as you elevate more of your cash flow from spending to …

The Gospel – yet everybody can’t be right

April 3, 2017 You may have missed it. With your April Fools Day festivities underway, the breaking news – coming out of Salt Lake City – probably didn’t run across the bottom of the screen while South Carolina/Gonzaga or Oregon/UNC Chapel Hill were fighting to their respective finishes (RIP, South Carolina and Oregon). The semiannual …