Heroes, like Gideon, pay full price…

Hard Times Heroes. That’s the way we’ve branded the mid-week devo that Noah Elias and I launched last Wednesday on our Facebook Group platform. (Note: you don’t have to “be on Facebook” to view that. Click here to view the March 23rd Facebook live post without having to “join”.) Here’s the BFO (Blinding Flash of …

Do you think God’s still involved?

It’s fitting to find inspiration in some of the Heroes who have emerged in the Hard Times. The Master’s Program launched in 1997. Now in our 24th year, we’ve weathered multiple storms that could have been game-enders. From ’97 to ’03, the markets experienced gyrations from the collapse of the overloaded tech sector to the …

Confidential: the Leadership Game Plan

What is leadership? What’s a Leader to do? That’s no rhetorical question today. What are you supposed to do? We’re all in a wartime posture; rather than a military engagement, it’s biological warfare, but the battle is being waged on political, professional, scientific and economic fields of engagement. We’re all under orders… Shelter-in-place. Social distancing. …

The antidote for the deadliest plague

It is no laughing matter. For some, it was easily politicized. Some linked it to a racial conflict; classic xenophobia. Could it be a power play between two leaders vying for dominance? Whatever its origins, if the situation scaled to the level that was predicted, pandemic would not be the term with enough weight to …

Are you a Fraidy Cat?

The numbers are terrifying. So far this year, 105 children in America –  infants to 17-year-olds – have died from the disease. Why isn’t someone doing something about that? Should we shut down the schools and shelter kids in place until the crisis passes? “The crisis” is the flu, and there is a vaccine for …

Never bet against this family…

Faithfulness: strict or thorough in the performance of duty; true to one’s word. That should be qualification #1 to look for when vetting a leader. Today, there are approximately 15 million Jews in the world; about 80% live in either the United States or Israel. They represent less than 2% of today’s American population… yet, …