It’s time to flex your friend muscles…

We’re breaking the rules for four weeks. Polite society likes to admonish people against allowing something / anything to be “about them.” During this early-2021 exercise, we’re making it all about us, and lining ourselves up alongside Jesus, who did just that for nearly two decades: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in …

For you, unless you already know it all…

Maybe today is a holiday for you (Presidents Day; despite the political divides over things having to do with that office); around the Point of View territory, every Monday is “on.” The morning after Super Bowl, we opened a short series focused on you. We’re working from an intriguing insight into the life of Jesus; …

It’s time to get physical…

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: this has nothing to do with shame. Guilt and Shame are not the identical twins from Hell; they’re often mistaken for one another, but it’s a doppelgänger deal. Shame attacks your identity as irreversibly flawed; it’s a prime tool in the arsenal of the Evil One. Guilt is different: …

Step out of the shadows…

So, how do you become champions of Super Bowl #55? To get to the pinnacle of accomplishment in professional football takes more than a conventional approach. Once proven to be the best in one’s field, the opportunity opens to write the book on the process that delivers the results. If winning the title game for …