You’re Not Going to Believe This…

March 28, 2016 I must have been bcc’d on this exchange, again; because it was a holiday weekend, and I couldn’t reach anyone to get myself off their distribution list. Thought you might want to see this… —–Original Message—–From: To: Jacob Dear Jacob, First, change your contact info for me: I’m going back to …

Stay tuned: he’s likely to win big this week

March 21, 2016 This e-mail appeared in my in-box this morning; it was routed to the wrong address (mine) in the wrong century (sent in the 1st; landed in the 21st). It didn’t have that “confidential – addressee only” message at the bottom, so I’m forwarding it to you. Interesting… —–Original Message—– From: To: …

Mud wrestling has rules

March 14, 2016 Over the last 30 years, I have spent thousands of hours in front of crowds – on Sunday mornings, and other occasions – telling them what I really believe. Each of those settings was wrapped in a “nonprofit, Christian ministry” package. That isn’t a free-for-all territory; that ministry space has rules… As …

Maybe the Majority Doesn’t Win

March 7, 2016 It’s all in the Numbers. If you’re glued to the incessant election updates running across the bottom of any screen, you could call a time-out on life for the next eight months, until the final numbers are tallied. Until then, primaries and caucuses – polls and projections – will keep everyone on …