Is Easter fake news, or the real deal?

God is a myth; the universe exists apart from any supernatural force claiming credit for creation. Man is born, then dies… and his consciousness ends. Life is one big exercise in the chaos theory; no overriding code of justice has any jurisdiction or authority: you answer only to yourself. Trusting anyone or anything but yourself …

Just another Monday (after Easter)?

April 17, 2017 Easter. What a week! Imagine a dozen men – in the prime years of their adult lives – who had set their schedules and strategies aside under the powerful influence of a charismatic carpenter. With no backing or fanfare, he had come across their path and invited them to join him in …

Real-deal Resurrection

April 6, 2015 There should have been a one-semester class – at the beginning of high school – called "Freshman Orientation for Life." They were concerned with getting us outta-there in the prescribed time period. Their horizon was four years; not thirty. What would we have heard? Things like: you’d better take your Spanish seriously, …